lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


vocabulary unit 7 and 8
unit 7

Marco Polo: discovered Indian Chinese and Japanese
Technical advances: which improve the navegation
Portulan Charts: new maps called portulan charts were developed
Compass: was a instrument for the navegation
astrolabe: was a instrument for the navegation
Quadrant: was a instrument for the navegation
Caravels:ships such a caravels were improved and consequently could travel longer distances.
Prince Henry the Navigator: organised varius expedition
Bartolomeu Dias:rounded the cape of good
Vasco de Gama: reached the india
Christopher Columbus: descovered america
Ferdinand Magallan: made several expedicions
Juan Sebastian Elcano: second in comand
Overseas empires:were created fro spain and portugal
Treaty of Tordesillas: resolve conflicts between Spain and Portugal
Indigenous population of America: was a dramatic decline

unit 8

The plague: most terrible sickly
The Black Death: was and epidemi
Bourgueoisie: was very influential
bureaucracy:centralised administration
army:troops were paid by the monarchs and followed his orders
diplomatic:system to maintain relations with other countries
autoritarian monarchies:was the court
Ivan the Great:unified the country russia
Henry VIII: increased royal power in the early sixteenth century
Charles VII:french monarqas
Francis I:
Catholic Monarchs:governed their territories together but each kingdom had its own and institutions
Holy brotherhood:a judicial police force
Royal Council:the highest judicial body
Corregidores:or chief magistrates to establish royal authority in the towns
Treasury:they strengthened the royal treasury and took priviliges away
Tribunal of the Inquisition:to prosecute heretics
conversos:or converts were persecuted by the inquisitions
Mudejares:in 1512 a similar decree established the conversion or expulsion of mudejars or spanish muslims
Moriscos:muslims who converted to christianity were called moriscos